Sunday, June 03, 2007

love & orange

love is like an orange
and i find it very strange
love is sweet
when two lovebirds meet
when hurt, love is sour, just like an orange


soyasofya said...

oh my2.. betol laa...

Alin Yussuff said...

betol kan~~~~

soyasofya said...

pastu kan, (from experience la) bile hurt tu mmg masam je sume.. yet u never get enuf of those vit c! ahakss..

Alin Yussuff said...

ohhh tepat n betol sekali...
that is so agreeeee- able (?)..


Anonymous said...

ni cikgu bm tu suke makan buah oren ke?

Alin Yussuff said...

itu idak le tau..
diye pernah mintak buah oren dr i..
sbb fruit salad diye xde oren tp fruit salad i ade!!

tp limerick ini tiada kaitan dgn oren yg diminta itu ye..

Anonymous said...

comel la bende nih. tersenyum seketika tatkala wat assignment.=)