Tuesday, October 16, 2007

motherly instinct..

On a shopping trip to the City Centre last week, I bought this beautiful dress from Next for little Miss Alya Qistina.

Cute nak pengsan tengok baju nih..

And then, yesterday, during a raya open house at Dr. Azli's and Kak Ros's crib, I stumble upon this cute little man, Mr Akil Asfar.

Ni pon chomel nak pengsan jugak. Yg pakai baju putih tu le. He he he.

Now, I have a feeling of wanting to have my own children. Beli baju untuk anak sendiri and dukung anak sendiri. Boleh ke?



soyasofya said...

anak syape tu??? syomel nye~

Alin Yussuff said...

anak kak etoonnnnnn...
syumel kan..
kad raye dah smpi..