Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Stronger everyday.

I was tidying up the notice board in my room, when I found this, drowned by other stuff. I think I copied this from someone's Friendster, a long time ago.

Allah knows what is best for me,
So why should I complain.
I always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain.
I always want the laughter,
But my heart will lose its tenderness,
If I never shed a tear.

Allah tests me often,
With suffering and sorrow.
He tests me not to push myself,
But to help me with a better tomorrow.
For growing tree is strengthened,
If I withstand the storm.
And the sharp cut of chisel,
Gave the marble grace and form.

Allah tests me often,
And for every pain He gives to me,
Provided me with patience,
Is followed by rich gain.
So whenever I am down,
And whenever I feel that everything is going wrong,
It is just Allah's way,
To make my spirit strong.

Thank you Allah.

Us in 1989

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