Sunday, January 28, 2007
summer 2007~~
00:15 - Get a bus to the Heathrow Airport from Plymouth
05:30 - Arriving at the airport
10:50 - Departs from London
12:00 - Touch down at KLIA
o7:40 - Departs from KL
17:55 - Arrive in London
23:40 - Get a bus to Plymouth from the airport
05:50 - Arrive in Plymouth
Flight ticket: GBP514
Bus ticket: GBP77
Total: GBP591
i called home at midnight and gave them my plan..i told them that i have put everything into considerations including money..and then my dad asked, 'so how much you want from us?'..with a wide grin i said, 'i'll pay 300 and you pay the rest, no, 350, huurmmm, eh no, ok, i'm willing to pay 400'..then i added, 'if i have to pay for all the cost, i think i can do that, but, i will definitely be in a very tight budget'..and then he asked, 'do any of your friends are going home as well?'..i told him that there are some, maybe, but if i have to travel alone, i wouldn't dad is convinced, but then he told me to give him a week to think over and over that period of one week, i have to find a better deal on the tickets, look for friends who want to go home as well and get in touch with my sister and seniors about where i can find better rates for the ticket..
now, i am really determined with my plan..i just have to wait for another week..and then everything will be confirmed.. :D
Friday, January 26, 2007
my A to Zzz..
** hans isaac..
B - Band
** band yg rock kapak..
C - Car
** BMW X5..
D - Drink
** teh susu..
E - Education stage
** undergraduate..
F - Food
** nk tepanyaki plzz..
G - Games (sport)
** volleyball, football, tennis..banyak gak..
H - Handphone's brand
** sony ericsson n motorola..
I - Instrument
** nk blaja main gitar bley?
J - Japanese/Korean Movie
** a moment to remember nad my girl..
K - Kissing style
** heh..blom lg..
L - Love quotes
** loving someone means letting go..
M - Movie
** banyak la jugak fav movie..
N - Number
** 7..
O - Occupation
** teacher..
P - Petrol station
** shell..sbb kengkadang pekerja diyer tolong isikan..
Q - Question
** 'so, aper citer ngan my fav teacher tu?' asked Nisa..heheheh..
R - Rainbow color
** all colours as well as the rainbow..
S - Song
** perpisahan by anuar zain..
T - Tv show
** the X-files..
U - Ultraman
** ultraman yg menari2 lagu kami guru malaysia tuh..
V - Vacation Place
** London with my parents..
W - World disney character
** all the characters in finding nemo..some characters in monsters inc..ouuhh banyak lagi..
X - Xtreme games
** skate boarding..
Y - Yoga stlyle
** underdog and aper ntah lg..
Z - Zodiac
** leo
Thursday, January 18, 2007
harry potter in oxford..
Conversation 1:
alin: la dlm citer harry potter tu.. (looking at the building)
ejat: la scene dlm harry potter tu..dlm harry potter 1 bangunan ni jadik hospital..pastu dlm harry potter 2 jadik diyer nyer skolah..
alin: ohh ye kerr..
ejat: kat dalam bangunan ni la diyer gune utk shoot..
alin: ~~ (keep on looking at the building-pura2 paham)..ok balik nnt nk tgk harry potter laa..
Conversation 2:
ejat: ni pon lagi satu tempat utk shooting harry potter jugak..kat dlm ni la diyer shoot tempat diyer main ....(main aper ntah..those who have watch harry potter tau la kot)
alin: ohhh ye ker..hhaaaa..ejat, amikkan gambar..
the truth is, i have never watched any of harry potter movies before..nor i have read the book..tak kesah laa..yg penting, ive been there..hahahaha.. :P
i'll be gone for almost a week..i'm off to london tomorrow and i'll be on my way to paris on friday..beronggeng and berjimba in disneyland..hope to spend a great time there..c u soon..bubbye..
Monday, January 15, 2007
about me~~
1. purse..
2. handphone..
3. camera~ br nk praktikkan..
Name 3 things you do when you're really stressed.
1. nyanyi kuat2..
2. tido..
3. bace Quran..
Name 3 favorite places to shop.
1. One Utama..ohh rinduu~~
2. London..
3. City Centre or Asda..
Name 3 favorite fruits.
1. clementines..
2. cherries..
3. banana..
Who is in the house with you?
ina, aini and wani..
Who are you thinking about right now? family, nisa, him..
Who did you last talk to on the phone?
Whose birthday is next?
sape ntah..tiruban kot..nnt check frenster..
Who do you wish you were with right now?
my family back home..
Who did u sms last?
him.. nisa, diyer msg dulu, k..
Where do you live?
house 20, marjons..
Where is your phone?
tu..kat tepi bantal..
Where do you sleep?
on my bed yg sgt comfy..
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
tshirt yg wajib dibeli kat ipba..
Where is the last place you took aride to?
naik cab blk marjon..
Where in your house are you?
in my own room..
What was the last thing you ate?
kuih tat nenas..
What color shirt are you wearing?
What is the closest item near you that is blue?
the chair i'm sitting on..
What is your favorite color?
byk..currently, shades of brown..
What kind of surgery have you had?
takder surgery nih..stitches jer..
What do you wear more jeans or shorts?
shorts for staying at home and jeans for going out..
What is the last movie you watched?
What song do you currently hear?
perpisahan by anuar zain..sedey~~
What was your dream last night?
he was in my dream last night but i cant remember what was it all about..
When did you start school?
1991 kot..tadika abim..
When is your birthday?
22nd August..
When did you last go to the mall?
weeks ago..
When was the last time you bought a pair of jeans?
a few days ago..terpaksa..dah dah jgn tanye knape..
When did you last burn a candle?
waktu marjon blackout secara besar-besaran kot..
When did you last see your dad?
a few months ago.. :(
When did you last see your mom?
a few months ago juge.. :(
When did you last see your best friend?
hurmmm..lame dah tak jumpe..
Thursday, January 04, 2007
the nicest people to work with..
abg collin 'bo' burns~~~~kami rindu sama abg bo..
dave aka richard from ally macbeal..
yes, sangat best having to work with them..they respect us so much..tak kesah pon yg kitorang pakai tudung..and diorang tak kesah pon bile kitorang nyanyi kuat2..rse2 nye kan when can we see them again, eh?
Monday, January 01, 2007
tak susah mane pon kan..
to start the new year off, i talked to my mum for two years!! oh yeah, we started when we were still in 2006 and ended in the year 2007..good start to the new year eh?
i have thought of new azam for this year here goes..
- the is one of the most important azam i would say: Takkan ditipu oleh mana-mana pihak lelaki lagi.
- go on diet.. betul ke ni?
- no more more last minute..
- i will do what Liz says, 'More reading.'
- ye Liz, i will do my reading log.. ya Allah, rajinkan lah umat Mu ini..
- soon as i get the aerobics vcd from my sister..
- stop complaining or merungut..
- live life dgn 'kalau nk buat, buat je..ikhlas ngan ape yang kite nk buat tu..'
- travel to MORE places..
- get a part time job..
- baca Quran everyday dgn terjemahan sekali..
- most important thing of all, become a BETTER person inside out..
hopefully, i get to achieve all of those by the end of this year, if not all, at least half..12 je pon..tak susah mane pon kan?