Monday, January 01, 2007

tak susah mane pon kan..

goodbye 2006 and welcome 2007!!

to start the new year off, i talked to my mum for two years!! oh yeah, we started when we were still in 2006 and ended in the year 2007..good start to the new year eh?

i have thought of new azam for this year here goes..
  1. the is one of the most important azam i would say: Takkan ditipu oleh mana-mana pihak lelaki lagi.
  2. go on diet.. betul ke ni?
  3. no more more last minute..
  4. i will do what Liz says, 'More reading.'
  5. ye Liz, i will do my reading log.. ya Allah, rajinkan lah umat Mu ini..
  6. soon as i get the aerobics vcd from my sister..
  7. stop complaining or merungut..
  8. live life dgn 'kalau nk buat, buat je..ikhlas ngan ape yang kite nk buat tu..'
  9. travel to MORE places..
  10. get a part time job..
  11. baca Quran everyday dgn terjemahan sekali..
  12. most important thing of all, become a BETTER person inside out..

hopefully, i get to achieve all of those by the end of this year, if not all, at least half..12 je pon..tak susah mane pon kan?


mie said...

cik alin xkn ditipu......
teman sentiasa de kat cni....

me said...

12 alin? that's many la kan for me! hehe anyway, all the best!

mmg x susah pon. baca quran everyday, more reading.. dah lepas dua kan hehe