Aini reminded me in her last comment that dark chocolate is better than the normal chocolate since more cocoa means less sugar and milk, hence less effects on our teeth and weight. Yesterday, I was badly craving for Ferrero Rocher that I asked a friend to get me two boxes of Ferrero Rocher (since they are on rollback) and a bar of Cadbury's Bournville Classic Dark Chocolate (to make me feel less guilty for buying another two boxes of Ferrero Rocher). I realised that Classic Dark Chocolate is so delicious that I went to ASDA after class today and got myself a bar of Cadbury's Bournville Deeply Dark and another of Divine's Dark Chocolate. Hehe.
Banyak betul. I think these chocolates are going to last till the next PMS. :P
Plus, I love what's written at the back of Cadbury's packaging.
'It's chocolate. It's good. It's just really good chocolate.'Good, eih?
*Ferrero Rocher itu masih dijeling tajam cause I think they are baaaaddddd..Dark chocolate baiiikkkkkk..hahahaha*
ngee~ :D cadbury's word makes you feel less guilty. tapi galaxy punya chocolate bar wrapper makes you terbang2. refer this entry
theobromine is such a blessing.
u rase la terbaannggg..
i dok pikir..
biler i nak terbang ni?
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