Thursday, November 08, 2007

Press Conference: I'm not a trophy wife.

I, Fazlin Farieza Yussuff, or better known as Alin, will now make a statement that I am not a trophy wife. I have never been and will never be. I was proud to be called trophy wife because I have misunderstood the term. All this while, I thought the term 'trophy wife' means a wife whom a husband is very proud of, who is capable of doing anything and everything under the sun or a wife who is like Bree in Desperate Housewives. However, I have read the definition of the term 'trophy wife' on Wikipedia, and I was shocked to discover the truth. I have never been taken as a second wife nor a third. Therefore, I will retrieve the statement I made earlier. I am NOT a trophy wife. If you have further questions, kindly post yours in the comment section and I will have them answered as soon as possible. Thank you.

p/s: Thank you to Ainee for linking me to the real definition of trophy wife.


Miss Aini said...

no problem dear. journalists, any questions?

cry4freedom. said...

Journalist? Bukan reporter ke?

Morale: Do check Wikipedia or Google University before claiming/caruking any 'sounds good' title to yourself. Bwak bwak bwak.

Blonde macam Ainee juga.

Alin Yussuff said...


I am a blonde.

*remind self to check Wiki each and every time*

Anonymous said...

tak paham.